It seems that a lot of people with this machine prefer El Capitan, but when I tried to get it from the App Store (via ), it said: 'This version of OS X 10.11 cannot be installed on this computer.' Granted, this link was for 10.11.6, not 10.11.0, but I can't seem to find any other link.ġ) Is it not possible to upgrade legitimately from the App Store from 10.10.5 to 10. I'm having trouble deciding what the best final OS for this machine is. The problem is that the Data Doubler does not support SATA 3 for my exact. First of all, I use a 13 inch Mid-2012 MacBook Pro, and I have successfully replaced my Mac’s internal hard drive (500GB Hitachi HDD) with a shiny new Crucial SSD which cost me about 140 (tax included) by the time I purchased it in 2016.
My plan is to install Windows 10 there (with Bootcamp). Im going to buy a Samsung 870 EVO SSD for my Mid 2012 15' MacBook Pro, along with a OWC Data Doubler (dual SSD config).
It came with a 2.6 GHz i7 processor, 8 GB RAM, a 1TB HDD, and was loaded with Yosemite (10.10), which I was prompted to upgrade to 10.10.5. Question about 870 EVO SSD, Mid 2012 15' MBP, Data Doubler and SATA speeds. I recently purchased a used mid-2012 Macbook Pro because it seems like a great old machine.